Share Station - Building from scratch
07 June, 2018

Well what a strange week it has been, from blazing sunshine and scorching tempratures over the bank holiday to fantastic lightning storms and downpours that caused flooding in the village we are based. even with the poor weather we still got sent some fantastic images to share with you.

We speak to all types of enthusiasts on a daily basis. From the well established engineer with vast knowledge and a skillset to match, to the amateur who has just begun to scratch the surface on this fantastic hobby. It can be daunting to start out, we at Maxitrak always try to keep it simple so that our models can be enjoyed by people of all ability levels. The owner of the locomotives in this weeks share station was once a school metal work teacher, and finds great enjoyment in building his locos from bits of office furniture and motors from the scooters discarded by grown up children.

He even took the time to transform a 'Playmobile' train to 5" gauge so that the younger generation could join in without the concern over more precious models. I personally love the idea of creating something to involve children, be they youngsters or grown up children, part of the joy of this hobby is the ability to share it with those around you. You knever know, you may just inspire the next generation of engineers!

This project is perhaps my favourite. Having the ability to form his own castings has really made this project his own. Each 5" cart requires a colossal 50 castings! The name Vexin was embossed to break up the panel and has a personal meaning to the owner as it is the name of the national park where they live. If you ever visit Paris and decide to climb the Eifel tower be sure to look out for this little railway as there is a chance you can see it from there.
I will leave this weeks Share Station with some words of wisdom from this talented engineer;
"If you are trying to build, do not give up. It costs a fortune at first and absolutely everything needs a special tool and then it fouls up. To crown it all having thrown ten precious examples into the bin all you ever get from others at the best is a grunt of acknowledgement when you at last make a perfect one." It's not all smooth sailing and sometimes things go wrong, but every mistake is a learning experience. Learn from those around you, at clubs or online. You never know, they may be able to answer your question.
IThank you to everyone who has sent us their pictures and don't forget you too can share your photos by emailing them to with the subject line 'Share Station'
© Maxitrak Ltd
10-11 Larkstore Park,
Lodge Road,
TN12 0QY
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